Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Sources (61)


List of entries about Sources

In this label about Sources (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

A collection of the acts passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and of other public acts relative to Canada.

A consolidation of the British North America acts, 1867 to 1952

A consolidation of the British North America acts, 1867 to 1965

A consolidation of the British North America Acts, 1867 to 1982

A consolidation of the British North America acts: 1867 to 1964

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867-1982

A manual of the constitutional history of Canada from the earliest period to 1901: including the British North America Act of 1867, […]

A time for action: toward the renewal of the Canadian Federation

An act of the Imperial Parliament for the union of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and the government thereof, and […]

Anno regni decimo quarto, Georgii III, regis, Chap. LXXXIII: an Act for making more effectual provision for the government […]

Anno regni Georgii III, regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ et Hiberniæ decimo quarto: at the Parliament begun and holden at […]

Anno regni Georgii III, Regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, tricesimo primo: at the Parliament begun and holden at […]

Anno septimo & octavo Victoriæ reginæ, Magnæ Britanniæ et Hiberniæ: at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, on […]

Anno Tertio & quarto Victoriae reginae: cap. xxxv, an act to re-unite the provinces of upper and lower canada and for […]

Anno tertio & quarto Victoriæ reginæ, Magnæ Britanniæ et Hiberniæ: at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, on […]

Anno tricesimo Victoriae reginae: cap. iii, an act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and the Government thereof […]

Arbitration under the British North America Act 1867: law opinion on proceedings and award by two arbitrators

Bibliography on constitutional law

British Columbia's constitutional proposals

British North America Act and amending acts : and certain other constitutional documents, affecting directly or […]

British North America Act and amending acts: and certain other constitutional documents, affecting directly or indirectly, […]

British North America acts and selected statutes (together with pre-Confederation statutes and documents, a short historical […]

British North America Acts, 1867 to 1951: [preceded by a short introduction on “Parliamentary government and the constitution” […]

British North America Acts, 1867-1907: together with other imperial statutes relating to Canada: imperial orders-in-council admitting […]

British North America acts, 1867-1915; together with other imperial statutes relating to Canada, imperial orders […]

British North America acts, 1867-1919: together with other Imperial statutes relating to Canada ; Imperial orders in council admitting […]

Canada 125: its constitutions, 1763-1982: evolution of a democracy

Canada's federal system: being a treatise on Canadian constitutional law under the British North America Act

Canadian constitutional charter. Charte constitutionnelle canadienne

Canadian constitutional documents

Canadian constitutional documents consolidated

Commentary on the British North America Act

Constitution of Canada: the British North America Act, 1867: its interpretation, gathered from the decisions of courts, the dicta […]

Constitutions of Canada, federal and provincial = Les constitutions du Canada, fédérale et provinciales

Developments in constitutional law

Documents illustrative of the Canadian Constitution

First Ministers' Conference on the Constitution: document

Four pamphlets on Confederation or union of the Canadas, 1822-1825

Land acts

Memorandum by Mr. Blake of his views on the subject of the Royal Commission and instructions to the governor-general of Canada

Municipal government in a new Canadian federal system: second report

Municipalities, the constitution, and the Canadian federal system

Proceedings and evidence and report

Proposals on the constitution, 1971-1978

Report of the Select Committee on Constitutional Reform, 4th session, 31st Parliament, 29 Elizabeth II

Report pursuant to resolution of the Senate to the Honourable the Speaker by the parliamentary counsel: relating to the enactment of […]

Sources in the Law Library of McGill University for a reconstruction of the legal culture of Quebec, 1760-1890

Text of proposed constitutional resolution filed by the Deputy Attorney General of Canada with the Supreme Court of Canada […]