Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Québec (136)


List of entries about Québec

In this label about Québec (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

Legacies of fear : law and politics in Quebec in the era of the French revolution

Legal realities and consequences of Quebec secession

Les actes et ordonnances revisés du Bas-Canada.

Les mélanges Gérald-A. Beaudoin: les défis du constitutionnalisme

Lower Canada Statutes: laws, statutes, etc.


Mémoire sur l'avant-projet de loi sur la souveraineté du Québec

Observations en amélioration des lois des chemins telles qu'en force dans le Bas-Canada en 1825

Orders in Council having force of law in the Province of Quebec

Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Council of the Province of Quebec, 1763-1791.

Ordinances made and passed by the governor and Legislative Council of the province of Quebec. And now in force in the province […]

Ordinances made and passed by the governor and Legislative Council of the province of Quebec. And now in force in the province […]

Ordinances made for the Province of Quebec by the Governor and Council of the said province, from 1768 until 1791, being […]

Phasing out prison department custody for juvenile offenders

Plan of a code of laws for the province of Quebec

Preconfederation statutes: Lower Canada.

Projet de loi concernant les mines

Quebec and section 33: why the notwithstanding clause must not stand

Quebec law: 1989 CALL pre-conference workshop, May 14, 1989, Quebec.

Quebec laws

Québec's positions on constitutional and intergovernmental issues: from 1936 to March 2001

Recueil de lois = Compilation of statutes.

Recurring issues in Canadian federalism

Reference to Supreme Court of Canada on Quebec secession

Report of the Special Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island on the Constitution of Canada

Report of the Special Joint Committee to Amend Section 93 of the Constitution Act, 1867, Concerning the Quebec School System

Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of King's Bench and in the provincial Court of Appeals of Lower Canada : with […]

Revised regulations of Québec, 1981.

Revised statutes of Québec, 1977.

Revised statutes of the Province of Quebec.

Revue légale.

Rules and orders of practice in the provincial Court of Appeals

Rules and orders of practice of the Superior Court, Lower Canada.

Self-determination in international law: Quebec and lessons ; legal opinions

Self-determination in international law: Quebec and lessons learned: legal opinions

Sources in the Law Library of McGill University for a reconstruction of the legal culture of Quebec, 1760-1890

Speaking notes, the Honourable Anne McLellan, minister of justice and attorney general of Canada: convention of the Barreau du […]

Statutes of Québec.

Statutes of the province of Quebec: passed in the session …

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941 : promulgués et publiés en vertu de la Loi 5 George VI, chapitre 15.

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941 = Revised statutes of the province of Québec, 1941

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941 = Revised statutes of the province of Québec, 1941.

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941: promulgués et publiés en vertu de la Loi 5 George VI, chapitre 15

Statuts refondus de la Province de Québec, 1964.

Strengthening the Canadian Federation: the Constitution Amendment, 1987

Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the Province of Quebec, 1888.

Table of the provincial statutes and ordinances in force, or which have been in force in Lower Canada, in their chronological order: […]

Table of the provincial statutes in force or which have been in force in Lower Canada, in their chronological order: with […]

Tables relative to the acts and ordinances of Lower-Canada.

Tables relatives aux actes et ordonnances du Bas-Canada …