Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Québec (Province) (120)


List of entries about Québec (Province)

In this label about Québec (Province) (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

Labour relations and court review; a study in the supervision and control of administrative tribunals

Language and the state: the law and politics of identity: proceedings of the Second National Conference on Constitutional Affairs

Law, life, and government at Red River. Volume 1, Settlement and governance, 1812-1872

Les actes et ordonnances revisés du Bas-Canada.

Les mélanges Gérald-A. Beaudoin: les défis du constitutionnalisme

Lexique anglais-français du droit en Ontario.

Limiting rights: the dilemma of judicial review

Lovell's law annual …

Manitoba, 1972-1973


Mémoire sur l'avant-projet de loi sur la souveraineté du Québec

Minutes of proceedings and evidence

Not quite supreme: the courts and coordinate constitutional interpretation

Ontario, 1971-1974

Opting in: improving the 1992 federal constitutional proposals

Orders in Council having force of law in the Province of Quebec

Ordinances made and passed by the governor and Legislative Council of the province of Quebec. And now in force in the province […]

Ordinances made and passed by the governor and Legislative Council of the province of Quebec. And now in force in the province […]

Public opinion and the courts

Quebec laws

Québec's positions on constitutional and intergovernmental issues: from 1936 to March 2001

Recueil de lois = Compilation of statutes.

Regulating flexibility: the political economy of employment standards

Remarks from the Catholic bishops of Quebec on the constitutional question

Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of King's Bench and in the provincial Court of Appeals of Lower Canada : with […]

Revised regulations of Québec, 1981.

Revised statutes of Québec, 1977.

Revised statutes of the Province of Quebec.

Section 33, the notwithstanding clause: a paper tiger?

Snow's legal compendium for 1900.

Sources in the Law Library of McGill University for a reconstruction of the legal culture of Quebec, 1760-1890

Statutes of Québec.

Statutes of the province of Canada … [1841-1866].

Statutes of the province of Quebec: passed in the session …

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941 : promulgués et publiés en vertu de la Loi 5 George VI, chapitre 15.

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941 = Revised statutes of the province of Québec, 1941

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941 = Revised statutes of the province of Québec, 1941.

Statuts refondus de la province de Québec, 1941: promulgués et publiés en vertu de la Loi 5 George VI, chapitre 15

The Bar, the bench, the attorney general for Lower Canada

The Canadian constitutions, 1763-1982

The Charter–ten years later: proceedings of the April 1992 colloquium of the Canadian Bar Association and the Department […]

The charter: dividing or uniting Canadians?

The consolidated statutes for Lower Canada : proclaimed and published under the authority of the act 23 Vict. cap. 56, A.D. 1860.

The constitutional status of the press in Canada

The declaratory power in the B.N.A. Act – S.92 (10) (c)

The employment contract

The fundamentals of Québec business law and ethics

The interpretation of legislation in Canada

The last chance

The legal system and how it works