Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Québec (Province) (119)


List of entries about Québec (Province)

In this label about Québec (Province) (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

A collection of the acts passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and of other public acts relative to Canada.

A complete index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada, to the 57th year of George the Third, inclusive.

A continuation of the index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada : from 58th Geo. III to 6th Geo. IV. inclusive.

A continuation of the index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada; from 58th Geo. III. to 6th Geo. IV. inclusive.

À l'avant-garde de la dualité: mélanges en l'honneur de Michel Bastarache

A republic or a colony? some remarks on the present crisis

A treatise on everyday law

An Act respecting the qualification of justices of the peace = Acte concernant la qualification des juges de paix.

An act to amend the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure in respect to arbitration

Analytical index to the Civil code of Lower-Canada

Anno regni Georgii III, regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ et Hiberniæ decimo quarto: at the Parliament begun and holden at […]

Bibliography on constitutional law

Bill (as amended by the committee) for uniting the legislatures of Lower & Upper Canada

Book of legal forms for the legal transaction of business : adapted to the use of merchants, clerks, mechanics, farmers, and all […]

Brief on the constitution: Canadian Intergovernmental Conference, Ottawa, February 5-7, 1968

British North America Act and amending acts : and certain other constitutional documents, affecting directly or […]

British North America Act and amending acts: and certain other constitutional documents, affecting directly or indirectly, […]

Canada 125: its constitutions, 1763-1982: evolution of a democracy

Cases and materials on constitutional law

Cases and materials on constitutional law introduction to public law, rules governing the introduction of laws, […]

Catalogue de la bibliothèque de M. le Juge Bruneau.

Catalogue of law & other books forming part of the library of the late Hon. Judge Jos. And. Taschereau : to be sold by auction, […]

Catalogue of law & other books forming part of the library of the late Hon. Judge Jos. And. Taschereau : to be sold by auction, […]

Catalogue of law & other books forming part of the library of the late Hon. Judge Jos. And. Taschereau: to be sold by auction, […]

Catalogue of the Library of the Bar of Montréal including that of the Advocate's Library

Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Law of McGill University, Montreal, January, 1895.

Ces constitutions qui nous ont façonnés: anthologie historique des lois constitutionnelles antérieures à 1867

Charter of the city of Montreal: adopted by the Council in the month of December 1898, and sanctioned by His Honor […]

Charter versus federalism: the dilemmas of constitutional reform

CLE papers

Code municipal de la province de Québec (annoté) comprenant tous les amendements jusqu'au 1er janvier 1888 ainsi que les […]

Commentary, or, Remarks on the Act of the 31st year of the reign of George III, chap. 31, commonly called the Constitutional […]

Constitution of Canada: the British North America Act, 1867: its interpretation, gathered from the decisions of courts, the dicta […]

Constitutional guarantees of minority group rights

Constitutional questions in the province of Quebec

Contemporary law, 1994 : Canadian reports to the 1994 International Congress of Comparative Law, Athens, 1994

Deuxième table générale des rapports judiciaires de Québec Second general index of the Quebec judicial reports : 1898-1908 : […]

Dictionnaire de droit québécois et canadien : avec lexique anglais-français

Draft agreement on the Constitution: proposals

Droit constitutionnel: notes and jurisprudence

Droit constitutionnel: notes and jurisprudence

Droit constitutionnel: principes fondamentaux

First principles, second thoughts: Aboriginal peoples, constitutional reform, and Canadian statecraft

Foundations of Canadian law : casebook

French-English, English-French law dictionary,

Guy Bertrand, lawyer …, plaintiff / public interest action filed on October 6, 1997: executive summary

Index to Dominion and provincial statutes: from the earliest period down to 1916

Justice for natives: searching for common ground

La Charte: ciment de l'unité canadienne ou ferment de discorde?

Labour relations and court review; a study in the supervision and control of administrative tribunals