Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Ottawa-Ont (61)


List of entries about Ottawa-Ont

In this label about Ottawa-Ont (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

A consolidation of the British North America acts, 1867 to 1952

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867-1982

A renewed Canada: the report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons

Bill C-10: an Act to Amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Senate Term Limits)

Brief to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on the 1987 Constitutional Accord

Canada's system of justice.

Canada's system of justice.

Canadian Constitution 1980 – explanation of a proposed resolution respecting the Constitution of Canada = Constitution […]

Catalogue of privileges and immunities of the Federal Crown and Administration contained in federal statutes = […]

Coming into force of Federal legislation

Consensus report on the Constitution: Charlottetown = Rapport du consensus sur la Consitution: Charlottetown

Consensus report on the Constitution: Charlottetown, August 28,1992: final text

Constitutional conference, Victoria, B.C., June 14, 1971: proceedings

Decisions relating to the British North America Act, 1867, and the Canadian Constitution, 1867-1954,

Dossier : an inventory of current legal research in Canada

Environment and the Constitution: report of the Standing Committee on Environment

Federal regulatory plan.

Federalism and the charter: leading constitutional decisions

First supplement to the Index to local and private acts of Canada, 1867-1941: showing all private acts (with the exception of divorce […]

Index to the statutes of Alberta: including spring sitting … .

Index, local and private acts, Dominion of Canada, 1867-1941: followed by a table of public statutes 1907-1942, showing all […]

Law and technology


Minutes of proceedings of the Sub-Committee on the Review of the Referendum Act of the Standing Committee on Procedure […]

Municipalities, the constitution, and the Canadian federal system

Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Council of the Province of Quebec, 1763-1791.

Ordinances made for the Province of Quebec by the Governor and Council of the said province, from 1768 until 1791, being […]

Ordinances of the Northwest Territories, Canada, 1973, first Session.

Ordinances of the Northwest Territories, Canada, 1973, third Session.

Proceedings of the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Délibérations du Comité sénatorial permanent […]

Proceedings of the Senate Submissions Group on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord = Délibérations du Groupe […]

Proceedings of the Senate Task Force on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord and on the Yukon and the Northwest […]

Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference held at the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, Canada, October 29-31, 1981 = Travaux du […]

Proceedings. Jan. 10-12, 1950

Reference to Supreme Court of Canada on Quebec secession

Repertoire alphabetique codifie des lois federales .

Répertoire alphabétique des lois féderales = Alphabetical list of federal acts

Report of the Special Committee to Study the Proposed Companion Resolution to the Meech Lake Accord

Research paper on constitutional validity of the present sections of the divorce act

Shaping nations: constitutionalism and society in Australia and Canada

Smart regulation: report on actions and plans.

Smart regulation: report on actions and plans. Fall 2005 update.

Statutes of Canada, Lois du Canada.

Stewards of justice

Strategic agenda

Table of private acts of Canada …

Table of public statutes and responsible ministers.

Text of proposed constitutional resolution filed by the Deputy Attorney General of Canada with the Supreme Court of Canada […]