Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Municipal corporations (16)


List of entries about Municipal corporations

Below you will find specific information on municipal corporations, where you may choose a link from the list to get started.

In this label about municipal corporations (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

Abstract of the duties of township officers in the Home District: appointed under and by virtue of the First Victoria, cap. 21. […]

Tags: Brown's Printing Establishment, Home, Home (Ont. : District). Council, KEO67, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Ontario) , Municipal corporations, and Ontario.

By-laws of the city of London revised and consolidated by direction of the Municipal Council, 1892 : together with the names […]

Tags: By-laws, Canada, City Council, Individual cities-A-Z, KEZ2501, Law of America, Law of Canada, London, London-Ont, Municipal corporations, Ontario--London, and Ordinances-Municipal.

Code municipal de la province de Québec (annoté) comprenant tous les amendements jusqu'au 1er janvier 1888 ainsi que les […]

Tags: Administrative law, Administrative organization, J.O. Filteau, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Québec) , Local government, Municipal corporations, Municipal government. Municipal services, Québec, Québec (Province), Rural municipalities. Municipal Code, and T. H. Oliver.

Code municipal de la province de Quebec tel qu'en force le 1er juillet 1882 auquel on a ajouté la jurisprudence des arrêts […]

Tags: E. Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Jefferson City-Mo.?, Law of America, Law of Canada, Municipal corporations, Popular works, Québec, and S.n.

Halsbury's Laws of Canada. Maritime

Tags: Canada, Dayton, Ohio, Encyclopedias, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Law of America, Law of Canada, LexisNexis, Maritime law, Municipal corporations, Ontario, and Rui M. Fernandes.

Index to local government legislation

Tags: British Columbia, General, Inga M Nykwist, Law of America, Law of Canada, Local government, Local government--Law and legislation, Municipal corporations, Province of British Columbia-Ministry of Municipal Affairs-Recreation and Culture, Statutes, and Victoria.

Labour law and urban law in Canada

Tags: Andrée Lajoie, Canada, Collective bargaining, Collective labor agreements, Collective labor agreements--Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Ivan Bernier, KE3109, Labor law, Labor laws and legislation, Labor laws and legislation--Québec (Province), Law of America, Law of Canada, Municipal corporations, Ontario, Québec, Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, and Social law and legislation.

Municipal government in a new Canadian federal system: second report

Tags: Canada, Collections, Constitutional law, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Law of America, Law of Canada, Local government--Law and legislation, Municipal corporations, Ontario, Resource Task Force on Constitutional Reform, and Sources.

Municipalities, the constitution, and the Canadian federal system

Tags: Canada, Collections, Computer File, Constitutional law, Erin Tolley, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Internet Resource, Law of America, Law of Canada, Michael Dewing, Municipal corporations, Municipal government, Municipal government--Canada, Ontario, Ottawa-Ont, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Sources, and W. R. Young.

Re-enacted statutes of Manitoba … = Lois réadoptées du Manitoba.

Tags: Codifications. "Consolidations, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Manitoba), Legislation, Manitoba, Municipal corporations, Public general acts, Queen's for the Province of Manitoba, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Re-enacted statutes of Manitoba, 1989 and 1990 (municipal) : a consolidation and revision of certain statutes that relate to […]

Tags: KEM39, Law of Canada, Legislation, Manitoba, Municipal corporations, and Public general acts.

Re-enacted statutes of Manitoba, 1990 : a consolidation and revision of certain private acts and certain […]

Tags: Bills-Private, Law of Canada, Legislation, Manitoba, Municipal corporations, and Public general acts.

Scobie & Balfour's municipal manual for Upper Canada for 1850 : with a map of the province : containing complete lists […]

Tags: Canada, KEO67, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Ontario) , Municipal corporations, Ontario, Scobie & Balfour, Scobie & Balfour, and Toronto.

Summary of legislation, spring 1989

Tags: British Columbia, KEB104.2, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (British Columbia), Law reports, Law reports and related materials, Municipal corporations, Province of British Columbia-Ministry of Municipal Affairs-Recreation and Culture, Recreation and Culture British Columbia. Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Summary of legislation.

Tags: Abridgments and digests of statutes, British Columbia, British Columbia. Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Housing--Law and legislation, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Local government--Law and legislation, Municipal corporations, Province of British Columbia-Ministry of Municipal Affairs-Recreation and Culture, Statutes. Ordinances, and Victoria.

The Acts for the erection of municipal corporations and the establishment of police regulations in Upper Canada : 12 […]

Tags: Canada, KEO864.5, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Ontario) , Local government, Municipal corporations, Municipal government. Municipal services, Ontario, Oshawa, Police, S. Derbyshire and G. Desbarats, and Toronto.