Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Legislation (478)


List of entries about Legislation

Below you will find specific information on legislation, where you may choose a link from the list to get started.

In this label about legislation (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Colonial acts].

Tags: Journal, KEN1239, King's Printer, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Magazine, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newspaper, Public general acts, St. John, and Statutes. Ordinances.

[Perpetual acts] at the General Assembly of the Province of Nova Scotia …

Tags: Halifax, Journal, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Magazine, Monographic sessional volumes to date of first revision, Newspaper, Nova Scotia, Public general acts, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, Statutes. Ordinances, and Works with Unknown Publisher in Halifax.

[The consolidated statutes of Manitoba, 1880 : and amendments thereto].

Tags: Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Manitoba, Public general acts, Revised statutes with sessional volumes from date of first revision, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

[The perpetual acts of Nova Scotia, passed in the … General Assembly]

Tags: Codifications. "Consolidations, Halifax-N.S, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Nova Scotia, Public general acts, Robert Fletcher, Session laws, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

[The temporary acts of the general assemblies of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia …]

Tags: Codifications. "Consolidations, Halifax-N.S, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Nova Scotia, Public general acts, Robert Fletcher, Session laws, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

A charge delivered to the grand-jury : by the Honourable Thomas M'Kean, Esquire, chief justice of Pennsylvania, at a Court of Oyer […]

Tags: American Revolution (1775-1783), Codifications. "Consolidations, Courts, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania--York County, Pennsylvania. Court of Oyer and Terminer, Public general acts, Statutes. Ordinances, and Thomas McKean.

A complete index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada, to the 57th year of George the Third, inclusive.

Tags: English regime-1759-1867, Indexes and tables, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Québec) , Legislation, Québec, Québec (Province), and The King Authority.

A consolidation of the British North America acts, 1867 to 1965

Tags: Canada, Constitutional history, Constitutional law, Elmer A. Driedger, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Ontario, Politics and government, Sources, Texts of the British North America Act of 1867 and subsequent (i.e. amending) acts, and Unannotated.

A continuation of the index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada : from 58th Geo. III to 6th Geo. IV. inclusive.

Tags: English regime-1759-1867, Indexes and tables, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Québec) , Legislation, P.E. Desbarats, Québec, Québec (Province), and Statutes.

A continuation of the index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada; from 58th Geo. III. to 6th Geo. IV. inclusive.

Tags: English regime-1759-1867, Indexes and tables, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Québec) , Legislation, Québec, and Québec (Province).

A guide to the making of federal acts and regulations

Tags: Administrative procedure, Administrative regulation drafting, Bill drafting, Bills-Legislative, Canada, Canada. Department of Justice. Legislative Services Branch, Constitutional law, Delegated legislation, Dept. of Justice, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Organs of the government, Ottawa, Parliament, The legislative process, and The legislature.

A guide to using CanCite: your guide to more effective legal research through CanCite: the Canadian citations research system.

Tags: Annotations and citations (Law), Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE106, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, and Ontario.

A republic or a colony? some remarks on the present crisis

Tags: Canada, Constitution Act-1867 (Canada), Constitutional history, Constitutional law, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Joseph Royal, KE118, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Montreal, Que, Politics and government, Québec (Province), and Works with Unknown Publisher in Montreal, Que.

Act for compiling and printing a new edition of the laws of the colony of British Columbia.

Tags: British Columbia, Government Printing Office, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (British Columbia), Legislation, and Other materials relating to legislative history.

Act of the Convention of Estates for putting the kingdome into a posture of defence : at Edinburgh the 26 of August, 1643.

Tags: 1867-, England, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Québec) , Legislation, London, Politics and government, Revised statutes. Consolidations, Scotland, Scotland--Law, Scotland. Convention of Estates, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, Statutes, and Thomas Underhill.

Acts and ordinances of South Australia.

Tags: Addresses-essays-lectures, Adelaide, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Govt. Printer, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, South Australia, and Statutes.

Acts of New Brunswick = Lois du Nouveau-Brunswick.

Tags: Fredericton, KEN39, Law of Canada, Legislation, New Brunswick, and Public general acts.

Acts of New Brunswick 1975-

Tags: Internet Resource, Journal, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (New Brunswick), Legislation, Magazine, New Brunswick, Newspaper, Public general acts, Revised statutes with sessional volumes from date of first revision, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the General Assembly of … Province of New Brunswick.

Tags: Journal, KEN39, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (New Brunswick), Legislation, Magazine, New Brunswick, Newspaper, Public general acts, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the General Assembly of Newfoundland: passed in the nineteenth year of the reign of His Majesty King George V

Tags: David R. Thistle, King's, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Monographic sessional volumes to date of first revision, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Public general acts, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, St. John's, N.F, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the General Assembly of Newfoundland.

Tags: KEN1239, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Public general acts, Session laws, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, part the second, from the thirty-ninth to the fifty-fourth year of the reign […]

Tags: Charlotte-town-P.E.I, Law of Canada, Legislation, Prince Edward Island, Public general acts, Revised statutes with sessional volumes from date of first revision, Session laws, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia

Tags: Codifications. "Consolidations, Halifax-N.S, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Nova Scotia, Public general acts, Royal Gazette Office, Session laws, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the General Assembly.

Tags: Journal, King's Printer, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Magazine, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newspaper, Public general acts, Revised statutes with sessional volumes from date of first revision, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, St. John, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the Legislative Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick …

Tags: Fredericton-N.B, KEN39, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, New Brunswick, Public general acts, Session laws, Statutes, Statutes. Ordinances, and The legislature.

Acts of the Legislature of the province of Manitoba : passed in the session held in the … year of the reign of …

Tags: KEM39, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Manitoba, Public general acts, Session laws, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the Legislature of the Province of New Brunswick.

Tags: Fredericton-N. B, Law of Canada, Legislation, Monographic sessional volumes to date of first revision, New Brunswick, Public general acts, Session laws, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, Statues, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the Legislature.

Tags: Journal, KEN1239, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Magazine, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newspaper, Public general acts, St. John's Queen's Printer, St. John's, N.F, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the legislatures of the provinces now comprised in the Dominion and of Canada : which are of a public nature and are not […]

Tags: Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE89, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Ontario, Ottawa, Session laws, Statutes, and The Queen.

Acts of the legislatures of the provinces now comprised in the Dominion, and of Canada, which are of public nature and are […]

Tags: Brown Chamberlin, Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE89, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Local laws, Ontario, and Ottawa.

Acts of the Parliament of Canada = Lois du Parlement du Canada.

Tags: Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE89, Law of Canada, Legislation, Ontario, and Ottawa.

Acts of the Parliament of Canada.

Tags: Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE87, Law of Canada, Legislation, Ontario, and Ottawa.

Acts of the Parliament of Canada. Lois du parlement du Canada.

Tags: Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE89, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, and Ontario.

Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada.

Tags: Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE87, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Ontario, and Session laws.

Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland…

Tags: B. Chamberlain-etc - 18uu, Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE87, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Ontario, and Ottawa.

Acts passed at the first session of the Eleventh Congress of the United States ; Acts passed at the second session of Eleventh Congress

Tags: 1867-, District of Columbia, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Québec) , Legislation, Revised statutes. Consolidations, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, Statutes, and United States.

Alberta law collection.

Tags: Alberta, Calgary, Computer File, Internet Resource, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Alberta), Legislation, Public general acts, Revised statutes with sessional volumes from date of first revision, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, Statutes, Statutes. Ordinances, and University of Calgary Press.

Alberta statutes 1955-1970 : and rules of court judicially considered

Tags: Abridgments and digests of statutes, Alberta, Annotations and citations (Law), Carswell, Court rules, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law reports-digests-etc, Legislation, Ontario, Statutes. Ordinances, and Toronto-Ont.

Alberta statutes, 1955-70 and rules of court judicially considered, including all amendments to the statutes and rules since […]

Tags: Alberta, Carswell Company, Continually Updated Resource, Court rules, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Alberta), Legislation, Local and private acts, Ontario, Statutes. Ordinances, and Toronto-Ont.

Alphabetical list of titles of federal statutes

Tags: Canada, Cyrille Goulet, Dept. of the Secretary of State of Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE107, Law of America, Law of Canada, Laws-etc. (Revised statutes of Canada-1985). (Canada), Legislation, and Ottawa.

An Act for granting to His Majesty the sum of two millions for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight […]

Tags: Bank of England, British Columbia, England, Finance, Great Britain, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, London, Oaths, Printed by John Baskett, Public general acts, Revised statutes with sessional volumes from date of first revision, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

An alphabetical index to the laws of Canada : being a ready reference to the statutes

Tags: Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, KE107, Law of America, Law of Canada, and Legislation.

An examination of the relationship between social stress and crime.

Tags: Bristol Polytechnic, Computer File, English regime-1759-1867, Human services, Indexes and tables, Law enforcement, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Québec) , Legislation, Prisons, Québec, and Sociology.

An index to the laws of the province of New Brunswick, since the year 1836, to the end of the session of the General Assembly […]

Tags: Fredericton, Indexes and tables to statutes, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, New Brunswick, Richard Carman, Statutes. Ordinances, Subject headings--Law, and The Royal Gazette Office.

An index to the statutes of Canada and to the proclamations, orders and regulations in Council, treaties, &c., from the first session […]

Tags: Canada, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, James Gray Stevens, KE107, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Saint Croix, and Statutes.

Anno vicesimo nono Victoriae Reginae

Tags: British Columbia, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (British Columbia), Legislation, Monographic sessional volumes to date of first revision, Public general acts, Session laws, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Appendix to the comment on the petition of the British inhabitants of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, to Parliament. Containing […]

Tags: British Columbia, Dissenters-Religious, England, India, India--Bengal, KEB39, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Public general acts, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Arbitration act = Loi sur l'arbitrage.

Tags: Arbitration agreements-Commercial, Arbitration and award, Dispute resolution (Law), International commercial arbitration, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (New Brunswick), Legislation, New Brunswick, Public general acts, Statute revision commission acts and reports, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Arbitration act: (R.S.P.E.I. 1974, Cap. A-14).

Tags: Arbitration and award, Dispute resolution (Law), F. William K. Auld, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Prince Edward Island), Legislation, Prince Edward Island, Public general acts, Statute revision commission acts and reports, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Attorney-General statutes amendment act, 1983.

Tags: Alberta, Charlottetown Queen's Printer, Codifications. "Consolidations, Edmonton, Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Alberta), Legislation, Public general acts, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.