Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Law of Canada (Québec) (110)


List of entries about Law of Canada (Québec)

In this label about Law of Canada (Québec) (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

A complete index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada, to the 57th year of George the Third, inclusive.

A continuation of the index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada : from 58th Geo. III to 6th Geo. IV. inclusive.

A continuation of the index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada; from 58th Geo. III. to 6th Geo. IV. inclusive.

A treatise on everyday law

Act of the Convention of Estates for putting the kingdome into a posture of defence : at Edinburgh the 26 of August, 1643.

Acts passed at the first session of the Eleventh Congress of the United States ; Acts passed at the second session of Eleventh Congress

An act to amend the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure in respect to arbitration

An examination of the relationship between social stress and crime.

Analytical index to the Civil code of Lower-Canada

Anno xiii. Regin? Elizabethe : At the parliament begunne & holden at VVestminster the second of April, in the xiii. yere of the reigne […]

Balvir Singh Multani and Balvir Singh Multani, in this capacity as tutor to this minor son Gurbaj Singh Multani, […]

Bibliography of Quebec ; or, Lower Canada laws

Black people and the criminal justice system.

Brief on the constitution: Canadian Intergovernmental Conference, Ottawa, February 5-7, 1968

Canadian law, fifth edition.

Catalogue of the Library of the Bar of Montréal including that of the Advocate's Library

Chapters in the history of the law of Quebec, 1764-1775

Code municipal de la province de Québec (annoté) comprenant tous les amendements jusqu'au 1er janvier 1888 ainsi que les […]

Collectanea de rebus hibernicus

Constitutional questions in the province of Quebec

Democracy and law

Democracy, constitutionalism and the future state of Palestine : with a case study of women's rights

Deuxième table générale des rapports judiciaires de Québec Second general index of the Quebec judicial reports : 1898-1908 : […]

Dictionary of English law / 1 A – H.

Draft agreement on the Constitution: proposals

EC law 2007-2008

Essentials of Québec business law

Facts disclosed in some unreported cases: published for the public good

Federal government to respond to Quebec's position in court case

French-English, English-French law dictionary,

Index to the statutes in force in Lower Canada, at the end of the session of 1856 : including a classification thereof, a revision […]

Index-digest to the Montreal law reports : arranged in the alphabetical and chronological order ; containing in each decision the name […]

International governance of the Arctic marine environment : with particular emphasis on high seas fisheries

Introduction to Quebec law

Israeli reports to the XIII International Congress of Comparative Law

La Revue légale, etc. [vol. 1-21. Edited by M. Mathieu.] Nouvelle série. [tom. 1, etc. edited by J.J. Beauchamp and others.].

Laws of North Carolina : at a General Assembly, begun and held at Raleigh, on the nineteenth day of November, in the year of our […]

Legacies of fear : law and politics in Quebec in the era of the French revolution

Legal realities and consequences of Quebec secession

Legal terms

Les actes et ordonnances revisés du Bas-Canada.

Lower Canada Statutes: laws, statutes, etc.


Mémoire sur l'avant-projet de loi sur la souveraineté du Québec

Orders in Council having force of law in the Province of Quebec

Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Council of the Province of Quebec, 1763-1791.

Ordinances made and passed by the governor and Legislative Council of the province of Quebec. And now in force in the province […]

Ordinances made and passed by the governor and Legislative Council of the province of Quebec. And now in force in the province […]

Ordinances made for the Province of Quebec by the Governor and Council of the said province, from 1768 until 1791, being […]

Pennsylvania law finder.