Reference Index


Entries Labeled: KE89 (21)


List of entries about KE89

In this label about KE89 (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

Acts of the legislatures of the provinces now comprised in the Dominion and of Canada : which are of a public nature and are not […]

Acts of the legislatures of the provinces now comprised in the Dominion, and of Canada, which are of public nature and are […]

Acts of the Parliament of Canada = Lois du Parlement du Canada.

Acts of the Parliament of Canada. Lois du parlement du Canada.

Canada governmental session laws

Classified table of public general statutes of Canada, wholly or partly in force at the end of the session of 1877 : with notices […]

Lexique juridique des lois fédérales

Lexique juridique des lois fédérales: anglais-français, français-anglais = Legal glossary of federal statutes: […]

Revised statutes of Canada, 1970 = Statuts revisés du Canada, 1970.

Revised statutes of Canada, 1985

Revised statutes of Canada, 1985 : Table of Concordance

Revised statutes of Canada, 1985.

Revised statutes of Canada.

Revised statutes of Canada.

Revised statutes of Canada.

Statutes Repeal Act annual report

Statutory orders and regulations, consolidation.

The consolidated statutes of Canada : proclaimed and published under the authority of the Act 22 Vict. cap. 29, A.D. 1859.

The consolidated statutes of Canada : proclaimed and published under the authority of the act 22 Vict. cap. 29, A.D. 1859.

The revised statutes of Canada, 1906: proclaimed and published under the authority of the Act 3 Edward VII., chap. 61 (1903).

The revised statutes of Canada, 1927 : proclaimed and published under the authority of the act, chap. 65 of the Statutes of Canada, 1924.