Reference Index


Entries Labeled: KE4216 (30)


List of entries about KE4216

In this label about KE4216 (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Draft constitution]

[Resolution to amend the constitution, 1981, 1 S.C.R. 754]

1998 constitutional cases: an analysis of the 1998 constitutional decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada

A guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Bill (as amended by the committee) for uniting the legislatures of Lower & Upper Canada

Canadian constitutional decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, 1930 to 1939

Cases decided on the British North America Act, 1867: in the Privy Council, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the provincial courts

Confederation law of Canada : Privy Council cases on the British North-America Act, 1867 ; and the practice on special leave to […]

Confederation law of Canada: Privy Council cases on the British North-America Act, 1867 ; and the practice on special leave to appeal: […]

Constitutional conference, Victoria, B.C., June 14, 1971: proceedings

Constitutional forum = Forum constitutionnel

Constitutional reform 1980

Decisions relating to the British North America Act, 1867, and the Canadian Constitution, 1867-1954,

First Ministers conference on on Aboriginal constitutional Matters: verbatism transcript (unverified and unofficial) = Conference des […]

Leading constitutional decisions: cases on the British North America Act

Materials on current issues in Canadian federalism

Minutes of proceedings and evidence

Politics and the constitution: the charter, federalism, and the Supreme Court of Canada

Proceedings. Jan. 10-12, 1950

Proposed resolution for a joint address to Her Majesty the Queen respecting the Constitution of Canada = Projet de […]

Self-determination in international law: Quebec and lessons ; legal opinions

Self-determination in international law: Quebec and lessons learned: legal opinions

Some perspectives on the origin and meaning of Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982

Taking stock: the jurisprudence on the Charter and minority rights

The constitutional crisis in Canada relating to the Quebec secession issue

The Court and the Constitution: leading cases

The New constitution and the Charter of Rights: fundamental issues & strategies

The Quebec Secession Reference: the rule of law and the position of the Attorney General of Canada

The St. Catharine's Milling and Lumber Company v. the Queen: argument of Mr. Blake, of counsel for Ontario

The Supreme Court decisions on the Canadian Constitution