Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Indians of North America–Legal status-laws-etc (30)


List of entries about Indians of North America–Legal status-laws-etc

In this label about Indians of North America–Legal status-laws-etc (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

Aboriginal health: a constitutional rights analysis

Aboriginal law in Canada, 1998: a national conference of crucial importance to all first nations persons & advisors

Aboriginal self-government: the unfinished agenda

Beyond Section 35: beating the constitutional drum: summary report of Ottawa Symposium, November 8-9 2012

Broken promises: the aboriginal constitutional conferences

Canada's indigenous constitution

Closing the gap: beyond Section 35 BC symposium summary, February 19-20, 2013

First Ministers' Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters = Conférence des premiers ministres sur […]

First principles, second thoughts: Aboriginal peoples, constitutional reform, and Canadian statecraft

Halsbury's Laws of Canada. Aboriginal

Indigenous difference and the Constitution of Canada

Indigenous laws: some issues, considerations and experiences

Introduction to native law issues: aboriginal rights, treaties and the constitution

Justice for natives: searching for common ground

Legal position of Canadian Indians: current problems in constitutional law: seminar 1964-65, University of British Columbia

National Aboriginal Law CLE Conference = Conférence de FJP en droit des autochtones

Revisiting the duty to consult Aboriginal peoples

Some perspectives on the origin and meaning of Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982

The 2010 annotated Indian Act and aboriginal constitutional provisions

The 2011 annotated Indian Act and aboriginal constitutional provisions

The 2014 annotated Indian Act and Aboriginal constitutional provisions

The development of greater self-government in the Yukon Territory: legal and constitutional provisions affecting Yukon-Indian people

The duty to consult: new relationships with Aboriginal peoples

The law and the native people of Ontario

The Quest for justice: aboriginal peoples and aboriginal rights

The right of aboriginal self-government and the Constitution: a commentary

The Western Workshop, Alberta: record of proceedings.

The will to survive: native people and the constitution

Theme, critical perspectives on the Constitution

Treaty rights in the Constitution of Canada