Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Great Britain (53)


List of entries about Great Britain

In this label about Great Britain (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

A collection of the acts passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, particularly applying to the province of Upper-Canada and of such […]

A new abridgment of the law : By Matthew Bacon, Of the Middle Temple, Esq ; The fifth edition, corrected ; with many additional notes […]

A table of the statutes publick and private : passed anno septimo Ann? Regin?.

A treatise of the pleas of the Crown : or a system of the principal matters relating to that subject, digested under […]

An Act for enlarging the time of continuance of Parliaments, appointed by an Act made in the sixth year of the reign of King William […]

An Act for granting to His Majesty the sum of two millions for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight […]

Anno Regni Annæ Reginæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, Primo.

Anno regni Georgii III, Regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, tricesimo primo: at the Parliament begun and holden at […]

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magn? Britanni?, Franci?, & Hiberni?, septimo : at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster […]

Anno xiii. Regin? Elizabethe : At the parliament begunne & holden at VVestminster the second of April, in the xiii. yere of the reigne […]

Annual survey of English Law.

Bill (as amended by the committee) for uniting the legislatures of Lower & Upper Canada

British North America acts and selected statutes (together with pre-Confederation statutes and documents, a short historical […]

Call to the bar

Canadian companies and the Judicial Committee; the law relating to the incoporation of companies and their powers and limitations […]

Canadian legal history

Cases decided on the British North America Act, 1867: in the Privy Council, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the provincial courts

Commentaries on the law of Ontario: being Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England, adapted to the province […]

Commentaries on the laws of England applicable to real property

Commentaries on the laws of Ontario : being Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England, adapted to the province of Ontario

Confederation law of Canada : Privy Council cases on the British North-America Act, 1867 ; and the practice on special leave to […]

Confederation law of Canada: Privy Council cases on the British North-America Act, 1867 ; and the practice on special leave to appeal: […]

Dictionary of English law / 1 A – H.

Digest of British Columbia case law : being the cases determined in the courts of British Columbia and on appeal therefrom […]

English legal manuscripts in the United States of America: a descriptive list.

Fair and unfair dismissal : a guide for employers.

Fleta seu commentarius juris Anglicani: partim e codice MS. to Cottoniano; partim ex antiquis rotulis, et veterrimis tam histori? […]

Government of New Caledonia: a bill to provide, until the thirty-first day of December (One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two), for […]

History of English law: an introduction

History of legal institutions : materials

Le Rôle du Royaume-Uni dans la modification de la constitution du Canada: texte documentaire

Legal and business issues in the music industry

Maitland, selected essays

Memorandum by Mr. Blake of his views on the subject of the Royal Commission and instructions to the governor-general of Canada

Observations on the origin and effects of the Test Act. : With some hints for the consideration of the clergy. Ego meum […]

Phasing out prison department custody for juvenile offenders

Plan of a code of laws for the province of Quebec

Prosecution of illegal behaviour in seventeenth-century England, with emphasis on Lancashire

Public expectations and perceptions of policing

Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of King's Bench and in the provincial Court of Appeals of Lower Canada : with […]

Sketches of public characters, discourses and essays. To which is added a dissertation on the eloquence of the ancients.

Some aspects of the theories and workings of constitutional law;

Submission of the Government of British Columbia to the Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Commons, London, England

Text book of military law : for the use of the gentlemen cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada

The 1998 British Crime Survey : England and Wales.

The EEC : a toolkit for the general practitioner.

The Law chronicle and law students' magazine

The laws and jurisprudence of England and America : being a series of lectures delivered before Yale University

The Lawyer's magazine, … or, Attorney's and solicitor's universal library. : … By a society of the profession.

The St. Catharine's Milling and Lumber Company v. the Queen: argument of Mr. Blake, of counsel for Ontario