Reference Index


Entries Labeled: General works. Treatises (63)


List of entries about General works. Treatises

In this label about General works. Treatises (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

Aboriginal self-government: the unfinished agenda

All about law : exploring the Canadian legal system

All about law : exploring the Canadian legal system

All about law: exploring the Canadian legal system. DVD package teacher's guide

An introduction to Canadian law

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magn? Britanni?, Franci?, & Hiberni?, septimo : at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster […]

Annual lecture series.

Canada's system of justice.

Canadian and international law

Canadian jurisprudence; the civil law and common law in Canada.

Canadian law : an introduction

Canadian law and the Canadian legal system

Canadian legal forms & agreements: change work orders, sell personal property, produce leases, keep employment records, and much more: […]

Canadian legal studies.

CanLII: Canadian Legal Information Institute

Commentaries on the law of Ontario: being Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England, adapted to the province […]

Commentaries on the laws of Ontario : being Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England, adapted to the province of Ontario

Courts and country : the limits of litigation and the social and political life of Canada

Dial-a-law: a library of legal information from the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch

Digest of the laws of the state of Georgia, from its first settlement as a British province down to the year 1800, inclusive

Dimensions of law : Canadian and international law in the 21st century

Foundations of criminal and civil law in Canada

Fundamentals of Canadian law

How to get an A in– Canadian law : criminal & tort law, family & rights issues, practical questions and final exam.

I.P.I. update, 1979

Index to current legal research in Canada, 1972. Répertoire des recherches menées actuellement au Canada dans le domaine juridique, 1972.

Introduction to criminal and civil law

Introduction to law in Canada

Introduction to law in Canada

Introduction to law in Canada

Introduction to legal studies

Introduction to Quebec law

Introduction to the Canadian legal system

Introduction to the law & legal system of Canada

Law, legislation and policy coursebook

Le Droit de la Communauté économique européenne et l'ordre juridique des États membres

Legal education casebook II

Legal literacy : an introduction to legal studies

Lex; the lawyer's magazine.

Looking at law : Canada's legal system

Praxishandbuch Filmrecht ein Leitfaden für Film-, Fernseh- und Medienschaffende

Profile of published legal research : a report to the Consultative Group on Research and Education in Law based on a survey […]

Provisions of law for the formation and regulation of corporations

Quebec law: 1989 CALL pre-conference workshop, May 14, 1989, Quebec.

Quebec laws

Recent developments in B.C. law, 1986 : materials prepared for a series of Continuing Legal Education seminars held […]

Recent developments in B.C. Law, 1987 : materials prepared for a series of Continuing Legal Education seminars held […]

Recent developments in B.C. law, 1988 : materials prepared for a series of Continuing Legal Education seminar held […]

Recent developments in B.C. law, 1990 : materials prepared for a series of Continuing Legal Education seminars held […]

Take notice : an introduction to Canadian law