Reference Index


Entries Labeled: General works (27)


List of entries about General works

In this label about General works (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

“Our Arctic brethren”: Canadian law and lawyers as portrayed in American legal periodicals 1829-1911

28 Elizabeth II, 31st Parliament/Legislature, First session, 1979

And you shall be heard: Regina vs Clow,

Bill C-10: an Act to Amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Senate Term Limits)

By-laws of the Municipal Council of the District of London : passed at the first session of 1848.

Coming into force of federal legislation

Coming into force of Federal legislation

Correspondence, reports of the minister of justice and orders in council upon the subject of provincial legislation, 1899-1900

Correspondence, reports of the minister of justice and orders in council upon the subject of provincial legislation, 1904-1906

Correspondence, reports of the ministers of justice and orders in council upon the subject of Dominion and provincial legislation, […]

Hate propaganda, section 2(b) and section 1 of the Charter: a Canadian constitutional dilemma

Justice in the North.

Le divorce et la séparation de corps thèse

Mock trial kit

No statecraft, questionable jurisprudence: how the Supreme Court tried to kill Senate reform

Observations en amélioration des lois des chemins telles qu'en force dans le Bas-Canada en 1825

Parliamentary committee review of regulations

Parliamentary committee review of regulations

Preliminary conference and first meeting of the Canadian Bar Association, Montreal 1896 ; second and third annual meetings, Halifax […]

Protection of society

Puffs, balloons, and smokeballs

The crown and constitutional law in Canada

The employment contract

The Fifty-seventh Texas legislature : a review of its work.

The Regional Municipality of Niagara Act: revised statutes of Ontario, 1970, Chapter 406 as amended by 1971, Chapter 77 […]

Women and the law in British Columbia.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow : the Canadian Law Information Council : Conseil canadien de la documentation juridique, 1978-1980.