Reference Index


Entries Labeled: General. History (21)


List of entries about General. History

In this label about General. History (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Minutes of the First Western Arctic Constitutional Conference, January 19-22, 1982]

Conference report: First Constitutional Conference, Western NWT: March 1994 [sic]

Constitutional reform: the Supreme Court of Canada

Different drummers, different drums: the Supreme Court of Canada, American jurisprudence and the continuing revision […]

Federal government to respond to Quebec's position in court case

Forging Alberta's constitutional framework

How can we live together?: towards a common future for the western Northwest Territories: a public discussion papaer on […]

Interim report

Judicial Adaptation to the Uncertainties of Constitutional Transformation: the Canadian Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal […]

Made in court: Supreme Court decisions that shaped Canada

Member group research reports: Constitutional Development Steering Committee, Western Northwest Territories

Minutes and verbatim report

Minutes of the Second Western Arctic Constitutional Conference, September 14-16, 1982, Yellowknife, N.W.T

Newfoundland and dominion status: the external affairs competence and international law status of Newfoundland, 1855-1934

Partners in a new beginning: draft constitution package

Round one summary report

Summaries of member group research reports: Constitutional Development Steering Committee, Western Northwest Territories

The Arctic promise: legal and political autonomy of Greenland and Nunavut

The development of greater self-government in the Yukon Territory: legal and constitutional aspects

Themes and issues in the constitutional process for a new Western Territory

What the Supreme Court is doing to the constitution and what constitutional reform may do to the court