Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Federal government (87)


List of entries about Federal government

In this label about Federal government (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Collection of documents]

A Guide to the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord

A house divided: Meech Lake, Senate reform, and the Canadian union

A renewed Canada: the report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons

A time for action: toward the renewal of the Canadian Federation

After Meech Lake: an insider's view

Assessment of the Newfoundland constitutional proposal: “an alternative to the Meech Lake Accord”: staff paper

Background papers and reports

Brief on the constitution: Canadian Intergovernmental Conference, Ottawa, February 5-7, 1968

British North America Acts, the role of Parliament: minutes of evidence, Wednesday 10 December 1980

Bureaucracy : a controversial necessity

Canada's constitutional crisis: making sense of it all (a background analysis & a look at the future)

Canada's federal system: being a treatise on Canadian constitutional law under the British North America Act

Canadian constitutional law: cases, notes and materials on the distribution and limitation of legislative powers under […]

Canadian constitutional reform: a checklist and index to the papers presented at Federal-Provincial conferences, 1976-1979

Canadian constitutionalism: 1791-1991

Charter versus federalism: the dilemmas of constitutional reform

Competing constitutional visions: the Meech Lake Accord

Consensus report on the Constitution: Charlottetown = Rapport du consensus sur la Consitution: Charlottetown

Consensus report on the Constitution: Charlottetown, August 28,1992: final text

Constitutional decisions, September 28, 1981

Constitutional law: cases and materials

Continuing Canadian constitutional dilemmas: essays on the constitutional history, public law and federal system of Canada

Culture and the Canadian constitution

Draft agreement on the Constitution: proposals

Droit constitutionnel: principes fondamentaux

Environment and the Constitution: report of the Standing Committee on Environment

Essays on constitutional reform = Dissertations sur la reforme constitutionnelle

Federal-Provincial Conference, Ottawa, October 14-15, 1964; [proceedings]

Federal-provincial conferences on the constitution, September 1978–March 1987: list of public documents

Final report

First Ministers' Conference on the Constitution: document

From Charlottetown 1864 to Charlottetown 1992: the reconfederation of Canada

Ideas in action: essays on politics and law in honour of Peter Russell

In the matter of Section 6 of The Judicature act, R.S.N. 1970, c. 187 as amended, and in the matter of a reference […]

Is the Canadian Constitution ready for the 21st century?

Limiting rights: the dilemma of judicial review

Manitoba Task Force on Meech Lake: [proceedings]

Meech Lake and Canada: perspectives from the west

Meech Lake Constitutional Accord annotated

Meech Lake: the inside story

Minutes and verbatim report

Opting in: improving the 1992 federal constitutional proposals

Politics and the constitution: the charter, federalism, and the Supreme Court of Canada

Proceedings and evidence and report

Proceedings of the Senate Submissions Group on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord = Délibérations du Groupe […]

Proceedings of the Senate Task Force on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord and on the Yukon and the Northwest […]

Proceedings. Jan. 10-12, 1950

Provincial autonomy, minority rights and the compact theory, 1867-1921

Québec's positions on constitutional and intergovernmental issues: from 1936 to March 2001