Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Continually Updated Resource (31)


List of entries about Continually Updated Resource

In this label about Continually Updated Resource (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

Alberta statutes, 1955-70 and rules of court judicially considered, including all amendments to the statutes and rules since […]

BC laws

C.L.E.S.N.S. index: index to Continuing Legal Education Society of Nova Scotia publications to December 1993

Canadian encyclopedic digest, Ontario: a complete statement of the federal laws of Canada and the provincial laws of Ontario […]

Canadian encyclopedic digest. Ontario third edition. Research guide and key.

Canadian encyclopedic digest. Ontario: a complete statement of the federal laws of Canada and the provincial laws of Ontario […]

CLE research guide, volume 2: index to Continuing Legal Education 1991 publications of the Law Society of Upper Canada

Constitutional law of Canada

Constitutional litigation in Canada

Constitutional remedies in Canada

Constitutions of Canada, federal and provincial = Les constitutions du Canada, fédérale et provinciales

Continuing consolidation of the statutes of Manitoba = codification permanente des lois du Manitoba.

Doing legal research in Canada

Federal referendum legislation = Législation référendaire fédérale

Federal referendum legislation = Législation référendaire fédérale

Index to B.C. law and practice papers and New B.C. law series.


Legislation Division of the Justice Department of the Government of Nunavut.

LexisNexis Quicklaw.

Ontario acts.

Ontario statute citator: current bills service.

Orders in council.

Ordinances of the Yukon Territory Consolidated to …

Revised ordinances of the Yukon Territory 1971: being a revision of the Consolidated ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1958, […]

Revised Statutes of Alberta.

Revised statutes of Canada.

Table of public statutes and responsible ministers.

Tables to the statutes of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan regulations.

The British Columbia statute citator: a complete annotating service for R.S.B.C. 1979.

The Canadian Charter of Rights, annotated

The Ontario statute citator: R.S.O. 1960 edition