Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Constitutional law–Amendments (47)


List of entries about Constitutional law–Amendments

In this label about Constitutional law–Amendments (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Resolution to amend the constitution, 1981, 1 S.C.R. 754]

A Guide to the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord

A house divided: Meech Lake, Senate reform, and the Canadian union

A renewed Canada: the report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons

After Meech Lake: an insider's view

Canada's constitutional crisis: making sense of it all (a background analysis & a look at the future)

Canadian constitutional reform: a checklist and index to the papers presented at Federal-Provincial conferences, 1976-1979

Charter versus federalism: the dilemmas of constitutional reform

Consensus report on the Constitution: Charlottetown = Rapport du consensus sur la Consitution: Charlottetown

Consensus report on the Constitution: Charlottetown, August 28,1992: final text

Constitutional decisions, September 28, 1981

Constitutional law of Canada ; Canada Act 1982 annotated

Constitutional litigation and social policy: a case study of the Canadian Court Challenges Program

Conversations among friends: proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference on women and constitutional reform = Conversations entre amies

Criminal justice and the constitution

Culture and the Canadian constitution

Federal-provincial conferences on the constitution, September 1978–March 1987: list of public documents

Is the Canadian Constitution ready for the 21st century?

Limiting rights: the dilemma of judicial review

Manitoba Task Force on Meech Lake: [proceedings]

Meech Lake and Canada: perspectives from the west

Meech Lake Constitutional Accord annotated

Meech Lake: the inside story

Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the Constitution […]

Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada = Procès-verbaux et témoignages du […]

Report of the Special Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island on the Constitution of Canada

Report of the Special Committee to Study the Proposed Companion Resolution to the Meech Lake Accord

Report on the 1990 Constitutional Agreement

Reports of the Nova Scotia Advisory Committees on Constitutional Issues

Rethinking the constitution: perspectives on Canadian constitutional reform, interpretation, and theory

Social policy and the constitution of Canada: a brief to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons […]

Strengthening the Canadian Federation: the Constitution Amendment, 1987

Submission of the Government of British Columbia to the Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Commons, London, England

Tangled web: legal aspects of deconfederation

The 1987 Constitutional Accord: the report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: commentary

The Canadian constitution: the players and the issues in the process that has led from patriation to Meech Lake to an uncertain future

The Constitution Act, 1982 = La Loi Constitutionnelle de 1982

The Constitution of Canada and its amendment: a selected bibliography

The death and life of constitutional reform in Canada

The Lake Meech accord (Canadian Constitution): a bibliography

The Meech Lake Accord: what it will mean to you and to Canada: an independent analysis

The Meech Lake primer: conflicting views of the 1987 Constitutional Accord

The revised Canadian Constitution: politics as law

The right of aboriginal self-government and the Constitution: a commentary

The separation of Quebec and the Constitution of Canada

Understanding Canada's constitution: including summaries of some reports recommending changes