Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Constitutional history (88)


List of entries about Constitutional history

In this label about Constitutional history (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Resolution to amend the constitution, 1981, 1 S.C.R. 754]

[The Canadian constitution: documents]

A Canadian social charter: making our shared values stronger: a discussion paper

A consolidation of the British North America acts, 1867 to 1952

A consolidation of the British North America acts, 1867 to 1965

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

A manual of the constitutional history of Canada from the earliest period to 1901: including the British North America Act of 1867, […]

A republic or a colony? some remarks on the present crisis

A time for action: toward the renewal of the Canadian Federation

Assessment of the Newfoundland constitutional proposal: “an alternative to the Meech Lake Accord”: staff paper

Background papers and reports

Bill (as amended by the committee) for uniting the legislatures of Lower & Upper Canada

British North America acts and selected statutes (together with pre-Confederation statutes and documents, a short historical […]

British North America acts, 1867-1919: together with other Imperial statutes relating to Canada ; Imperial orders in council admitting […]

British North America Acts, the role of Parliament: minutes of evidence, Wednesday 10 December 1980

Canada 125: its constitutions, 1763-1982: evolution of a democracy

Canada's constitutional crisis: making sense of it all (a background analysis & a look at the future)

Canada's federal system: being a treatise on Canadian constitutional law under the British North America Act

Canadian Constitution 1980 – explanation of a proposed resolution respecting the Constitution of Canada = Constitution […]

Canadian constitutional conventions: the marriage of law and politics

Canadian constitutional dilemmas revisited

Canadian constitutional documents

Canadian constitutional history and law

Canadian constitutional law in a modern perspective,

Canadian constitutional law: documents relating to the Dominion and Provincial Constitutions

Canadian constitutional reform: a checklist and index to the papers presented at Federal-Provincial conferences, 1976-1979

Canadian constitutionalism: 1791-1991

Cases and materials on constitutional law introduction to public law, rules governing the introduction of laws, […]

Ces constitutions qui nous ont façonnés: anthologie historique des lois constitutionnelles antérieures à 1867

Charting the Charter, 1982-1985: a statistical analysis

Commentary on the British North America Act

Constitution of the People's Republic of Bulgaria

Constitution, government, and society in Canada

Constitutional Conference proceedings: second meeting, Ottawa, February 10-12, 1969 = […]

Constitutional decisions, September 28, 1981

Constitutional law

Constitutional politics in Canada after the Charter: liberalism, communitarianism, and systemism

Continuing Canadian constitutional dilemmas: essays on the constitutional history, public law and federal system of Canada

Democracy in action: Missouri's constitution and its government

Documents illustrative of the Canadian Constitution

El derecho de la revolucion en la emancipacion americana

Essential readings in Canadian constitutional politics

Federal-Provincial Conference, Ottawa, October 14-15, 1964; [proceedings]

First Ministers' Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters = Conférence des premiers ministres sur […]

Forging Alberta's constitutional framework

Four pamphlets on Confederation or union of the Canadas, 1822-1825

How Canada is governed: a short account of its executive, legislative, judicial and municipal institutions, with an historical outline […]

In the matter of Section 6 of The Judicature act, R.S.N. 1970, c. 187 as amended, and in the matter of a reference […]

Interim report