Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Civil rights (85)


List of entries about Civil rights

In this label about Civil rights (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Ottawa law review special issue]

A Canadian social charter: making our shared values stronger: a discussion paper

A consolidation of the Constitution Acts, 1867-1982

A manual on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Adil Charkaoui v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

An essay on constitutional interpretation

Canada's passive revolution: the Charter of Rights and hegemonic politics in Canada

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Canadian constitutional dilemmas revisited

Charter of Rights and administrative law, 1983-1984

Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Bill of Rights: a comparison

Charter politics

Charter versus federalism: the dilemmas of constitutional reform

Charting the Charter, 1982-1985: a statistical analysis

Constitutional guarantees of minority group rights

Constitutional interpretation

Constitutional law of Canada

Constitutional law: protection of individual rights

Constitutional litigation and social policy: a case study of the Canadian Court Challenges Program

Constitutional reform: Canadian charter of rights and freedoms

Constitutional reform: the Supreme Court of Canada

Dr. Henry Morgentaler, Dr. Leslie Smoling, Dr. Robert Scott v. Her Majesty the Queen and the Attorney General of Canada: coram: The […]

Droit constitutionnel: principes fondamentaux

Forging Alberta's constitutional framework

From constitutional law to private common law: the premises of a constitutional argument

Green on rights

Halsbury's laws of canada: compensation of crime victoms/competition and forgeign investment/ constitutional law

Hansard official report of debates

Her Majesty the Queen v. Henry Morgentaler and the Attorney General of Canada, the Attorney General for New Brunswick, R.E.A.L. Women […]

Human rights and the courts in Canada

Human rights at work

Ideas in action: essays on politics and law in honour of Peter Russell

Impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

In the matter of the Judicial Review Procedure Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c.209 and in the matter of the Order in Council 1348 […]

In the Supreme Court of Canada (On Appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal), Between: Adil Charkaoui, Appellant, and the Minister […]

Inquiry into the legality of the communist rule in Bulgaria

Justice in the North.

La Charte: ciment de l'unité canadienne ou ferment de discorde?

Law, capitalism, and the right to work

Les compétences législatives au Canada et les pouvoirs provinciaux en matière de propriété et de droits civils

Limiting rights: the dilemma of judicial review

Meech Lake and Canada: perspectives from the west

National journal of constitutional law = Revue nationale de droit constitutionnel

New applications of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and human rights legislation: Friday, October 27, 1989, CBAO Education […]

Politics and the constitution: the charter, federalism, and the Supreme Court of Canada

Proceedings of the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Délibérations du Comité sénatorial permanent […]

Proceedings of the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Délibérations du Comité sénatorial permanent […]

Proposed resolution for a joint address to Her Majesty the Queen respecting the Constitution of Canada = Projet de […]

Putting the charter to work: designing a constitutional labour code

Quebec and section 33: why the notwithstanding clause must not stand