Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Church schools–Law and legislation (3)


List of entries about Church schools–Law and legislation

In this label about Church schools–Law and legislation (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Term 17 of the Terms of Union between Newfoundland and Canada respecting denominational education rights: information kit]

Tags: Canada, Church and education, Church schools, Church schools--Law and legislation, Constitutional law, Education, Education and state, Educational change, Educational law and legislation, General, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Law of America, Law of Canada, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, and St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.

Report of the Special Joint Committee on the Amendment to Term 17 of the Terms of Union of Newfoundland

Tags: Canada, Canada. Parliament. Special Joint Committee on the Amendment to Term 17 of the Terms of Union of Newfoundland, Church schools--Law and legislation, Constitutional amendments, Education, Education and state, Educational law and legislation, General, Internet Resource, Joyce Fairbairn, Law of America, Law of Canada, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Protestant churches--Education, School boards--Law and legislation, and The Committee of Institute of Human Relations.

Report of the Special Joint Committee to Amend Section 93 of the Constitution Act, 1867, Concerning the Quebec School System

Tags: Church and education, Church and education. Denominational schools, Church schools--Law and legislation, Concerning the Quebec School System Canada. Parliament. Special Joint Committee to Amend Section 93 of the Constitution Act 1867, Constitution Act-1867 (Canada), Education, Educational law and legislation, Educational law and legislation--Québec (Province), Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, Law of America, Law of Canada, Ontario, Protestant churches--Education, Québec, School boards--Law and legislation, School management and organization--Law and legislation, and The Committee of Institute of Human Relations.