Reference Index


Entries Labeled: Canada. Supreme Court (35)


List of entries about Canada. Supreme Court

In this label about Canada. Supreme Court (Canadian Encyclopedia of Law), we look in more detail at:

[Resolution to amend the constitution, 1981, 1 S.C.R. 754]

A digest of cases determined by the Supreme Court of Canada : on appeal from Dominion, provincial and territorial courts of Canada […]

Balvir Singh Multani and Balvir Singh Multani, in this capacity as tutor to this minor son Gurbaj Singh Multani, […]

Constitutional decisions, September 28, 1981

Constitutional reform: the Supreme Court of Canada

Different drummers, different drums: the Supreme Court of Canada, American jurisprudence and the continuing revision […]

Dr. Henry Morgentaler, Dr. Leslie Frank Smoling, Dr. Robert Scott v. Her Majesty the Queen and the Attorney General of Canada = […]

Dr. Henry Morgentaler, Dr. Leslie Smoling, Dr. Robert Scott v. Her Majesty the Queen and the Attorney General of Canada: coram: The […]

Essays on constitutional reform = Dissertations sur la reforme constitutionnelle

Gosselin v. Quebec (Attorney General): factums

Her Majesty the Queen v. Henry Morgentaler and the Attorney General of Canada, the Attorney General for New Brunswick, R.E.A.L. Women […]

In the matter of a reference as to whether the Parliament of Canada had legislative jurisdiction to enact the Weekly Rest […]

In the matter of an act for expediting the decision of Constitutional and other Provincial Questions: being Chapter C 180, C.C.S.M. ; […]

In the matter of: Section 6 of the Judicature Act, R.S.N. 1970, c. 187 as amended, and in the matter of: a reference […]

In the Supreme Court of Canada (On appeal from the Court of Appeal for British Columbia), Between Robin Susan Eldridge, John Henry […]

Judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada

Judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada

Judicial Adaptation to the Uncertainties of Constitutional Transformation: the Canadian Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal […]

Judicial power and the charter: Canada and the paradox of liberal constitutionalism

Law v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration): factums

Limiting rights: the dilemma of judicial review

Made in court: Supreme Court decisions that shaped Canada

No statecraft, questionable jurisprudence: how the Supreme Court tried to kill Senate reform

Not quite supreme: the courts and coordinate constitutional interpretation

Politics and the constitution: the charter, federalism, and the Supreme Court of Canada

Public law at the McLachlin Court

Reports of the Supreme Court of Canada.

Responsibility, fraternity and sustainability in law : in memory of the honourable Charles Doherty Gonthier

Stewards of justice

Taking stock: the jurisprudence on the Charter and minority rights

Talking heads and the supremes: the Canadian production of constitutional review

The Court and the Constitution: leading cases

The Courts and the Canadian constitution: a selection of essays

The Supreme Court as the vanguard of the intelligentsia: the Charter movement as postmaterialist politics

What the Supreme Court is doing to the constitution and what constitutional reform may do to the court