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Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-85, An Act to provide for certain matters […]

Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-85, An Act to provide for certain matters […]

Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-85, An Act to provide for certain matters respecting official languages, employees' pensions and labour relations in connection with the transfer of certain airports

Law of America > Law of Canada > Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories > Constitutional law > Individual and state > Civil and political rights and liberties > Particular rights and freedoms > Linguistic and cultural rights. Bilingualism

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Useful for students learning an area of law, Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-85, An Act to provide for certain matters […] is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.

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If you wish to locate similar books to “Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-85, An Act to provide for certain matters […]”, they can be found under the 344.7109 in a public library, and the Library of Congress call numbers starting with KE4413 in most university libraries. If you wish to look up similar titles to “Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-85, An Act to provide for certain matters […]” in an on-line library catalog, the official Library of Congress Subject Headings under which they can be found are:

Airports–Law and legislation
Industrial relations
Labor laws and legislation
Language and languages–Law and legislation
Old age pensions–Law and legislation
Privatization–Law and legislation