Books | Encyclopedia of Canadian Laws

Halsbury's laws of Canada

Halsbury's laws of Canada

Halsbury's laws of Canada

Law of America > Law of Canada > Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories > Encyclopedias

Edition Details

Purpose and Intended Audience

Useful for students learning an area of law, Halsbury's laws of Canada is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.

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Main Contents

Access to information and privacy / contributed by E. Michael Power
Administrative law / contributed by Guy Re?gimbald
Agriculture / Donald Buckingham
Athletics / Jay Brecher
Aviation and space / Timothy Trembley
Business corporations, I and II / Kevin P. McGuiness
Cemeteries and Interment / contributed by Sheila Nemet-Brown
Charities, associations and not-for-profit organizations / contributed by Donald J. Bourgeois
Civil procedure I and II / contributed by Master Linda S. Abrams
Communications / contributed by Sunny Handa … [et al]
Conflict of laws / contributed by Janet Walker
Construction / contributed by Duncan W. Glaholt, Markus Rotterdam
Contracts / contributed by Angela Swan
Criminal offences and defences / contributed by Alan D. Gold
Criminal procedure / contributed by Alan D. Gold
Defamation / Peter A. Downward
Discrimination and human rights / contributed by Soma Ray-Ellis
Employment / contributed by Geoffrey England
Environment / contributed by Alastair R. Lucas, Roger Cotton
Food / contributed by Donald Buckingham
Gifts / contributed by Catherine Morin
Holidays / contributed by Catherine Morin
Hospitality / contributed by Catherine Morin
Hunting and fishing / contributed by Jay Brecher
Immigration and citizenship / contributed by Lorne Waldman
Income tax (corporate) / contributed by Vern Krishna
Income tax (general) / contributed by Vern Krishna
Inquests, coroners and medical examiners / Sheila Nemet-Brown
Judges and courts / contributed by Lorne Sossin
Legal profession / contributed by Jakub Adamski
Media and postal communications / contributed by Jay Brecher
Medicine and health / contributed by Ayanna Ferdinand
Negligence / contributed by Allen M. Linden
Oil and Gas / contributed by Michael A. Thackray
Partnerships / contributed by Maurice Coombs
Patents, trade secrets and industrial designs / contributed by Roger T. Hughes
Penitentiaries, jails and prisoners / contributed by Fergus J. O'Connor
Personal property and secured transactions / contributed by Bruce MacDougall
Planning and zoning / contributed by William A Buholzer
Police, security and emergencies / contributed by Jennifer Freund
Public utilities / contributed by Sheila Nemet-Brown
Religious institutions / contributed by Diana Ginn
Roads, highways and bridges / contributed by Catherine Morin
Securites / contributed by Vaughn MacLellan
Torts / contributed by Allen M. Linden
Trade-marks, passing off and unfair competition / contributed by Roger T. Hughes
Wills and estates / contributed by Jim MacKenzie

Structured Subjects (Headings):