Author Entries: Czeslaw Sullivan (4)

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Expanded academic index.

Tags: California, Communication--Periodicals, Foster City-CA, Humanities--Periodicals, Information Access Co - 198u, KEN5439, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legislation, Mass media, New York times, Northwest Territories, Periodicals, Public general acts, Science, Social sciences--Periodicals, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, part the second, from the thirty-ninth to the fifty-fourth year of the reign […]

Tags: Charlotte-town-P.E.I, Law of Canada, Legislation, Prince Edward Island, Public general acts, Revised statutes with sessional volumes from date of first revision, Session laws, Sessional volumes and revised statutes, Statutes, and Statutes. Ordinances.

Second colloquia on the legal profession, March 5, 2004

Tags: Law of America, Law of Canada, Law of Canada (Ontario) , Legal ethics, Legal ethics. Discipline. Disbarment, Ontario, Postel Video Productions, Practice of law, The legal profession. Practice of law, and Visual material.

Index to Canadian legal literature, 1985-2014: an index and bibliography of Canadian legal literature classified according to Library […]

Tags: Bibliography, Canada, Carswell Company, Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories, General bibliography, Law of America, Law of Canada, Legal literature, Ontario, Periodicals, and Toronto-Ont.