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Administrative law today: culture, ideas, institutions, processes, values: essays in honour of John Willis

Administrative law today: culture, ideas, institutions, processes, values: essays in honour of John Willis

Administrative law today: culture, ideas, institutions, processes, values: essays in honour of John Willis

Law of America > Law of Canada > Federal law. Common and collective provincial law Individual provinces and territories > Administrative organization and procedure > General. Administrative law

Edition Details

Short Description

pages [313]-890 ; 23 cm

Purpose and Intended Audience

Useful for students learning an area of law, Administrative law today: culture, ideas, institutions, processes, values: essays in honour of John Willis is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.

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Main Contents

My continuing legal education / R.C.B. Risk
Willis on “cultured” public authorities / G. Blaine Baker
The functionalist style in public law / Martin Loughlin
Willis's American counterparts : the legal realists' defence of administration / Robert W. Gordon
From neutrality to compassion : the place of civil service values and legal norms in the exercise of administrative discretion / Lorne Sossin
Call-centre government : for the rule of law, press # / Roderick A. MacDonald
Between facts and norms : agency statutory interpretaton as an autonomous enterprise / Jerry L. Mashaw
Willis v. McRuer : a long-overdue reply with the possibility of a penalty shoot-out / David Mullan
From “parliamentary power” to privatization : the chequered history of delegated legislation in the twentieth century / Michael Taggart
Administrative discretion as dialogue : a response to John Willis (or, from theology to secularization) / Genevieve Cartier
Reconciling with the past : John Willis and the question of judicial review in inter-war and post-war England / Peter L. Lindseth
The logic of the rule of law : lessons from Willis / David Dyzenhaus
The rule of law in the Supreme Court of Canada / Peter W. Hogg and Cara F. Zwibel
Common law bills of rights as dialogue between courts and legislatures / Kent Roach
Willis, “theology, ” and the rule of law / Mary Liston
The administrative state goes to market (and cries “wee, wee, wee” all the way home) / Harry W. Arthurs
Banging constitutional bibles : observing constitutional culture in transition / David Schneiderman
Functionalism and formalism : their latest incarnations in contemporary development and governance debates / Kerry Rittich
John Willis and the challenges for public law scholarship in a neoliberal globalizing world / David Szablowski
The published work of John Willis / R.C.B. Risk and Michael Taggart.

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